There's this famous quote from a brazilian footballer 'Sorcates' which i remember vividly - no man will change for the better until he sees the need for it
I've always had this firm presumption on people who are successful, that is they perceive failure as feedback and use it to spur them to greater heights. To make it sound simpler, they use this feedback to change their strategy and take action once again. This process is repeated over and over again until they get what they want.
Thus i was wondering why is it that so few people are willing to keep changing and take action until they succeed? Worst still why are there people who give up halfway through the battle? I take myself as a living example and came to this conclusion - commitment. Although everyone, baring those who need to tighten their screws up there would desire to succeed but in truth, only afew are COMMITTED to their goals.
I remember once i set myself so many goals, but ended up failing to fufil a single of them and giving up halfway often. I pondered through everything can realized this: when a goal is nothing more than a feeble desire or a wish, i will find myself being held backk by setbacks, frustration and failures. The same thing goes if my goals are nothing more than desires, i will probably do only everything that is within the COMFORT ZONE and beyond that i will find myself giving all sorts of fucking excuses not for not doing it. As a result i will never do whatever it takes to get what i want.
When a goal becomes a MUST.....we operate from a different mind-set. This is also as good as saying when we give ourselves no options and no way out but to succeed, we will always find a way.
It's really amazing what we can achieve in our short lives if our goal became a MUST. Take losing weight for example. Most people set a goal to lose weight through dieting and exercising or whatever pills they can get their hands on. They get very excited by they thought of having a slim nice figure and get motivated for a couple of days or weeks but pretty soon they give up and fail to get any results. The excuses will start flowing out.
But what if someone were to point a gun to the head of a loved one and threathen to kill that person unless u lose 5kg in a reasonable period of time, do u think u would be able to achieve it?
I guess this is a very good example of 'MUST'. When something becomes a MUST, it taps into our unlimited personal resources and this enables us to achieve virtually anything! Of course the 'anything' has to make sense as well and not some ridiculous or impossible things.
I've finally learned to fufil my goals, turning them into reality instead of pure dreams and desires. Well perhaps this is also the reason behind my life turning more meaningful - slowly but surely!