The following pictures are of the same place but taken during different seasons.

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.
The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later

Feel like laughing reading my previous entry but thats what u get from a half sober blogger I guess. Aside from some unhappy issues, last night wasn't too bad. Had fish and co with the guys, irwan and sze wei complained about not having any nice food due to 2 weeks of field camp. I'm starting to dread going ns!
We spend another long winded session outside wheellock afterwards, talking cock, disturbing people, snapping pictures and wasting time as usual -_- Then we headed down to DXO, Alan and Erin din't tag along. 'go clubbing cannot wear normal sandals' was the excuse Erin gave. Abit lame haha. Anyway was kind of shock to see DXO's enterance so packed I thought X'mas came early. I mean its always during the festive periods that I see such a big crowd at esplande. Thanks to Peggy we din't have to queue though, only a short while.
That was my 1st time there and I must say the place really need to hire afew more staffs, waiter/waitress especially. Had such a hard time finding a waiter to place my order. The place was short of tables and chairs too and had to squeeze with others. The drinks they mix were horrible as well. Gin Tonic tastes like tap water and vodka tastes like 7-up. There was no burbon coke available as well. WTF? Damn gay loh.
So we decided to buy pure drinks such as Chivas, tequila and martinis. Din't really dance, din't even stepped onto the dance floor. Kylie say Im drunk coz she asked me a question and I gave her 2 different answers. I think half-half cause I still remember vividl what happen from the beginning to the end. More depressed and upset than drunk. Plus I kept having the tummy runs. Saw Bryan and other guys there too.
The balcony on the 2nd floor with live band was really cool though. Very relaxing and very ideal for chilling and drinking sessions.
Eventually Irwan Owen Bryan and me took a cab home. Irwan was like grabbing the taxt's handle as if he's taking some roller coaster. The Bryan and me were like talking non stop..yaba yaba yaba all the way until he fell asleep eventually. Poor Owen put up with all our rantings and drunk-talks.
I'm really tired tired today, both physically and mentally. Lastly I would say this to that someone: "if i wanna go there to flirt and fool around I wouldn't even ask u along so many times in the first place. if you think i went home with girls in my arms you couldn't have been more wrong".
Nevertheless whats over is over. There's no turning back of the time. You choosed the path you made the choice I respect it.

Mango, SzeWei, Irwan, Owen and Erin

Swap 'Erin' for 'Kylie'

5.17ammmmmmm by rights i should be sleeeeeeeeping. Hell no im fucking blogging.
The journey home seem like forver. Bryan was dead tired/drunk and totally black-out. Irwan was fucking sehhhh and dry. Owen was like trying to keep a hold on everyone. I was lying on owen's shoulders. I wished it was someone else's.
I can't remember a time other than the zouk to pasir ris incident 2 years ago that I got so fucking high and abit drunk. NO imm not fucking drunk i cant fucking type a blog entry if i am. I'm just very confused. A bottle of chivas wont get me drunk.
I reached home and owen texted me this : " take caree of yourself....sit down and think slowly bout e problem...dun rush for solution". Owen is such a nice bro, he even rems where i live exactly. I think I would have been taken by some desperate people if im left alone on the streets.
What is there to think of when uve decided its through????????????? what is there to sit down about when u dont wish to see deeper ingto the picture? A drunk man a;ways speaks from gthe bottom of jhis heart isnt it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i miss the times of me and u....

Love sucksssssssssssss

The markers were not that scary afterall, kind of young and friendly so it does help in some way to relax the nerves. Within an hour the whole thing was over. I got afew thumbs up which I found kinda ridiculous or over flattering. So judging from those thumbs up, I should pass my FYP. Still, shall not take things for granted until I see the official results I wont rest my heart.
Neverthless its over and after 16 1/2 years Im done with education!
What was supposed to be a happy and nice day for us turns out to be bad thanks to some stupid things I did in a rash. Sometimes I hate my moods, really insane. I feel really stupid of myself today....not only its childish but dumb as well. I ruined the day.
I've been caught up in some issues that I don't like, slow replies. The speed of the reply goes a long way to show how much the person wants to talk to u. Then again there would be times where there are some excuses. But quite simply, how fast or much the person replies u is going to tell u how much he/she is interested in the chat. Personally I'd make a point to reply everything fast unless I'm stucked with something.
I'm freaking tired, I need a good sleep before hitting the gym tomorrow......been a long time i went!

After 2pm later on I'd have almost certainly severe all my ties with education, that is unless I decide to further my studies in the near future. I really dread presentations, especially solo ones. I've like totally no experience in solo presentations. The one and only solo one I did was somewhere in 2004 I guess. But that was different, a presentation about EPL and soccer stuffs that I know what to say.
I spent like the entire day figuring out what to add into my powerpoint slides, asking around for starting speeches and trying to prepare my speech. Its a real nightmare really, I would rather be taking an exam tomorrow with all to study today than have a presentation tomorrow with all the time in the world to prepare for! That sums it up!
The thoughts of being tongue tied, speaking too fast or fumbling on my words are making me sick. Give me an argument or debate in front of a thousand I would ooze confidence in every line I speak. But give me a presentation in a cold quiet room solo-style is totally another thing!
Neverthless I figured out I'd have to make myself all fired up tomorrow morning in order to speak calmly and confidently. Must really thank Carol for her help in the speeches stuffs and Kate for all the encouraging words.
I've already decide what I'm gonna do once these shits ends. Lots of movies, lots of shoppings and lots of relaxing - for 3 weeks that is. Job searching begins right after that and I'm still cursing the fucking government for delaying my NS letter. Its hard to plan things when I dont know my enlistment date, idiotic shit!

Your presence spices up the community, the virtual one that's known as the internet. You spend your time 'buzzing' irritatingly around the net, to your own delight but much to everyone's disgust. Blogs, forums, and any site that enables you to key in a comment is your nest.
You chanced upon something your eyes doesn't like, something your gigantic ego couldn't take, something that triggers that 13 year old brain of yours.....and suddenly you decide you know everything. Suddenly you know the person inside out - you don't know in fact, you assumed. Should we address you as Jesus or Buddha then?
And so you start posting your so call 'opinion' like nobody's business. You type freely with all sorts of vulgarties without using your brains but well I almost forgot yours is that of a 13 year old. Your brain cells haven't reached 'puberty' and probably would never reach. You insult basically someone who doesn't even know of your existence. You pro-claim yourself as smart but your actions pinpoint you as childish.
You find yourself satisfied with what you've just wrote and was about to click the 'submit', 'send' or whatever button there is when u suddenly felt something wrong. You decided that the name your pitiful parents gave you was a shame, or rather u're too ashamed to use your own name.
So what do you do? You used nonsensical and ludicrous nicks such as 'loser', 'your mom', 'your dad'. Nicks which even a clown circus wouldnt even contemplate using. Thats how low u scooped. If you haven't realized it, all that you've done gave u another screen name other than PRICK. The 'exclusive' screen name 'computer hero' is specially signed to you.
Don't know what is a 'computer hero'?
A 'computer hero' is someone who acts like a hero or incredible person BEHIND the screen, flaming people, polluting the netscape.
Thats how pathetic you are. Yeah Yeah Yeah you claim you could do this and that, you know this and that but we know actions speaks louder than words. And your actions? Buzzing around like an irritating prick.
What is a prick?
A prick is an irritating person similiar to that of a housefly. You eat at the coffeeshop and it comes near you. You chase it away and it comes again. 1 clasp of the palms and the prick is dead.
That's how weak and pathetic a prick is, in reality. Thank you though, for entertaining the cyberspace with your amusing comments and actions. However, Mr Clown at the moscow circus wouldn't be proud of you though. :)

Its heart-warming to know that I've some very nice peeps around me. Thank you guys for the trying to console me, making me feel better after the traumatic and devasting experience I went through. I may not show it, but your words makes a difference to me. I'm still not fully over the shit, I'm still feeling horrible especially when I see cars on the road. Still, a million of thanks to everyone, people like carol, may, kylie, etc and of course my san x 2. =)
Here are some pictures I missed out from my last post.
Got these funny animated clip from sharon's blog, really funny enjoy lol

Flying Head!

Kana Shot!

Walked into a lamppost!


My strawberry and me =D

The distance of the pathway to Bt Gombak MRT seem like the Great Wall of China....long and forever.
Tears flowed.
I felt bitter.
I felt injust
Hidding my reddish eyes under my shades, I walk the dreadful journey home - the journey of a failure.

(*the words are: "applied brake to avoid collision with the cyclist...bla bla")

I cannot believe it....i failed with 6 points due to one fucking cyclist!!!!! PCB!
I cannot believe it.....what else could I have done? It was sudden, I had no choice? Other than brake what else am i supposed to do? Why do heaven toture and play this kinda jokes on me? why?! why me?!

It must be Monday blues, horrible horrible.......

3.40am - I woke up and waste no time in finishing up whatever I've left.
4.30am - Completed most of the shit and left some small parts. Was chatting with san x2 too.
7.30am - Almost finished....left the contents and paging shits.
8.00am - I started printing....
8.40am - I realized I had ALOT to print!!!
9.00am - I realized my printer ran out of colored ink!!!!! Only black in left!!! Panic!!
10am - I realized I ran out of printing papers!! Got my brother to get his ass off to get some for me.
10.45am - Panic Panic!! 12 Noon deadline approaching...I've yet to sort the paging, printer got errors and I've still got to bind and photocopy!!
11.15am - Finally finished printing the last sheet.
Immediately I sprinted out of my house carrying juz a bag with the report carefully wrapped up in a plastic file. I swore I ran fucking fast, like my my life depended on that bloody report. Reached JP and realized the shop that does binding has CLOSED DOWN!!! Panic, I ran to the Fuji shop but they only offer photocopy services. I wasted no time in saying "YES PLEASE, FAST OK!!" The girl was like abit stunned when i put my report on the desk..."whoa so thick ah!"

Took like 8mins printing and I realized the quality of the paper and printing SUCKS LIKE FUCK!! My screenshots can HARDLY BE SEEN!!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!? I look at my watch its like 11.40am. I've like 20mins to get my ass to school, bind the bloody reports and get my ass to the admin office to submit.
Rushed into a cab and for Christ's sake if raising cab fare isn't enough nowadays bloody fucking FUCK face drivers try to earn a buck or 2 by taking another route to the expresssway when the expressway is just IN FRONT!! He must have seen me busy counting my report and thought I could be fooled easily. I said something like "eh I told u i'm in a rush and I thought the PIE is just in front why must u take this route u think i never drive before issit". He mumbled something back which I didn't bother to make out is what.
Reached school and the moment the wheels stopped I threw 10 bucks at him and sprinted to the photocopy shop. MY god theere was a crowd....worst still mostly girls, and they were all waiting to do binding!!! I looked at my watch ...... 11.57am!!! DIE!!! 10 marks gone!!! Desperation got the better of me and I just asked the girl in front of the queue "ermm can u let me go 1st i've like an emergency or urgent thing, its my FYP". She was like surprised but agreed. Wow I felt so relieved and yet paiseh....the people must be thinking: "how ungentleman I what if its FYP...we also got our own shit to bind!" Thanked her afew times and sprinted to the admin office. I look like I've just completed a marathon, was the reaction the staff there gave me.
I was late like 10mins but thankfully they allowed me to submit without deducting 10%! I felt a big burden off my shoulders at that moment. However I know its not the end yet....the report is like shit. The photocopied one especially. I intend to get ink and re-print everythinng myself and give the new copy to the marker. Don't wanna risk the marker getting pissed off reading 'unreadable' words and diagrams. For now I just wanna have a jolly good sleep.....I'm exhausted!

My brother is freaking unreliable and fucking lifeless all he does is sit in front of the fucking com and waste his time away gaming. Had I not set the alarm myself he would have forgotten to woke me up at 3am and tomorrow I would have woken up with still 'alot' to do for my report. I would have been in deep shit! One day I'm going to uninstall and block the bloody game for good.
Just finished another chapter of the report and somehow I feel i needed to write this off my chest. It doesn't feels good, its bothering me whole day ever since afternoon. I realized I'm such a letdown, such a disappointment and 'bo sim' person sometimes. This afternoon, Jean said :
"if u going off..someone u tot is da closest to u..tot da bond btw u too is tight...didnt even bothre to come sending u off..not even a msg aft u told him dat its on u feel?"
I duno but after typing it she went off, I didn't had a chance to say anything. But in truth I didn't know what to say either. I just felt so guilty and bad from that moment onwards. In truth, I did thought of giving her something for her to bring over, a self designed photo in a frame or some wooly stuffs. But I didn't back my thoughts up with any actions. Be it lazinezz, projects or any other reasons, it still isn't a good excuse at all. I'm starting to wondering if I've changed, since when am I so 'bo sim'? Suddenly the thought that someone I confide in, someone I know would be around when I'm down is gone for 2 years or so is making regrets grow inside me.
Why couldn't I at least ask what time the flight is and take some time out of my work to see her off. The fact that Von make it there despite her dunno-how-busy schedule makes me feel even worse. I feel so disappointing that a bro-sis who's always supporting me when I'm down and understands me more than entirely everyone else did not get a send off from me.
Suddenly I miss the craps and nonsencial chats we had. Suddenly I start rolling back the years and miss the great times that the 3 of us, including Von spent together. I realized those were some of the happiest time I had in recent years. sigh...

I won't like it if someone place me on 'Singapore Airlines', I would probably curse and get so pissed if I'd even reached the place. I can imagine how pissed sze wei feel right now. Damn I'm supposed to meet him at clark quay at 1030 and for some reasons I jolly well screwed up and overslept. No excuses, he said wat done is done. He didn't sound agigated but I know he's fumming mad. Who wouldn't? I din't know what to say except repeated 'sorry's which I know is of no cure. I feel fucking bad and guilty, I cant just treat it as nothing happened because I know how it feels. Plus the fact that this is like the 2nd time I did such a thing, not on purpose but its still horrible....
What can I blame? Nothing. It was like 7pm when I stopped writing the report and I thought I would take a rest on the bed. God knows I fell asleep without the hp under my pillow. The rest is history. Sigh, there goes my Saturday night, my weekends but I just hoped it doesnt result in a dent in the friendship. I wished someone would just scream the fuck at me or just punch me. It feels better this way.

Dad and brother brought home something like 8 or 10 boxes of durians this afternoon. I was in the room but I could already sense the smell/scent of durians. And that moment I realized I haven eaten this damn favourite of mine for a long time, something like nearly 1 year?
I don't understand why some people hate durians or the smell. It smells so great and tastes even great if u choose the right ones. I guess it has to do with my family, when I was a kid we would always get to eat durians during the so call 'durian festival' over at my late grandma's place. I would always fight it out with my brother for the biggest and most fleshy piece. Afterwards I remember mom would made us place tap water onto the durian shells and drink it from there, reasons being that it would be less heaty this way. Some myth but it seem true and ever since then I've always love durians. The smell of the durians on my fingers even after washing it for afew times would still stay there and I love smelling it to sleep! lol

Well for today, I caught the show Basic Instincts with Carol at Marina. Give it 3/5 popcorns due to the interesting plot and mind games. This is really a show that requires lots of concentration and imagination if one is to catch what the plot and everything is about.
Been ages I been to Marina Square, like more than 1 year and man, the fucking place changed so much. I feel as if I'm going to a new shopping centre. I din't know there were Topshop, Zara and even a part of the shopping centre that have shops alike to those at Heeren or Far East. Seem to have quite abit to shop about but I resisted the temptation today and just walk around exploring instead. Had a hard time finding a place to have dinner as almost every single restaurent or makan place is full and having queues! Blah!
I would love to hang out abit more as going home at 12 on a Friday night seem a bit of wierd to me. But nevertheless there wasn't a choice, sad case.
Next up - Pirates of the Caribbean! Anyone?!!!?

What audacity I have to be thinking early in the morning in the office......of all the things....marriage! It just happened that recently I've happened to stumbled upon blogs containing pictures and news about weddings. This got me all influenced and as I'm early, with 15 mins to spare before 9am, I shall take this opportunity to blog abit.
I even happened to watch an old show yesterday - "Sleepless in Seattle" and this paticular line caught my attention :
"Its easier to be killed by a terrorist than get married after the age of 40"
Heck I'm not even 25 let alone 40! But i guess that line applies more to women lol!
I actually feel like wanting to get married this very moment as well. How audacious!! But i know its just a passing feeling influenced by all those weddings shits of strangers I came across recently. Nevertheless its wierd for a guy to be afraid of not being married as compared to girls. I mean, being afraid of nobody marrying u is a girl thing isn't it?
A marriage is such a joyous full house where everything seem complete. I say this even though I've never tasted it before myself but I'm dead sure what I said is true. Its like the beginning of a new chapter where everything, all the troubles are gone and suddenly u start life afresh with who else but the person u love most. How wonderful that is!
Sadly I think I've still got some way to go before I can taste such a joy. Now i really hate myself for wasting 3 years in secondary school damn! However I've decided by 26 or 27 I'm gonna get engaged and by 28 I'd be married as I've decided that would be the age whereby I'm most stable financially, mentally and physically.
Alrites time to get my ass working, enough of having these audacious thoughts!

My condolences to all these French freaks or so call 'Italy haters'. I'm having my last laugh again for those who say 'written in the stars' is all too supertitous or crap. Well, heaven doesn't exists for nothing sometimes. Italy were deservedly winners of this World Cup and I was right in predicting that the match would end in a draw and Italy will win in extra time. But what I din't realized was they would break their penalty jinx (ring a bell? england....!) finally after losing 3 penalty shootouts in previous meetings.
And now, once the celebrations are over, the results of the scandal in Italy would result in at least 2 clubs, Juventus and AC Milan being regelated as in 1982. Just watch the news =)

Tonight there will be a new world champions and this is going to be a match that is more important than life and death, more exciting than sex and more stressful than exams - to those who are betting of course! And tomorrow there will be lots of broken hearts, tears, pandas and MCs on the manager's desk! But then this is the FIFA World Cup final, miss it and you gotta wait another 4 years. Watching the repeat telecast is just not the same as watching it live with your friends or with a big crowd. Its going to be a close and tense affair and by rights it should be low scoring but then there will always be surprises. Still, Italy is going to win it, no doubts. Its written in the stars.
Went shopping, movies and partying yesterday with Genievive. Initialy it was supposed to be just 'hanging around' in town. But the hanging out in town turn out to be a shopping trip. Couldn't find the Guess shirt I wanted so badly, regretted not getting it the other time so this time when I saw another eye-catching Zara shirt, I bought it straight away. It was the last piece somemore and thankfully the size was right, never mind the $89.90. Its better to spend than regret it later on! Next I'm going to get the CK One perfume!

And well this morning got a last minute call from Weiliang to play soccer. I shouldn't be playing as my ankle is still not fully recovered and painful at times but I wasn't going to miss it. A lack of soccer action makes me desperate to kick a ball but kicking with those 1983 batch of old school mates is even better. Its been like years since I played with them so its nice to see everyone again and if not for the rain it could be even better.

July 4th, 4 months 2 days from the day i started, I finally submitted the project. I've a feeling the project may not please or meet the 2nd marker's 'standards' though. The codes were kind of messy and there were still 1 or 2 parts that were not fully implemented. I had the time but I din't have the skills or knowledges of these advanced codings. Nevertheless i feel so relieved....another BIG burden off my shoulders! Having said that, the 300 or 400 pages thick report writing begins immediately tomorrow! And I've like only 1 week and 6 days to complete this 300-400 pages report! Damn!! This whole thing is like a do or die siutation. Either I do properly and get my diploma or I screw things and my future up.
Another do or die siuation is tonight's world cup semi final between Germany and Italy. I know alot of these fucking dumbass people who always stick with favourites like Brazil or Germany. Now that Brazil is out everyone is going for Germany. Not going to shout the roof off but just a simple message to these stuck up fools: "GOOD LUCK!"
Favourites don't always win and if u people are supertitous and observant enough well.....
In 1982 when Italy won the world cup, the country was engaged in a scandal or match fixing as we call it. That year, a late boomer Paolo Rossi who was the league's top scorer failed to score in the first 4 games of Italy's world cup campaign. However, he eventually scored 2 in the quarter finals and went on to score a hat-trick in the semi final and another goal in the final to end up top scorer.
This year, the Italian league is again rocked by match fixing scandals. Another late boomer Luca Toni (28 years old) was the league's top scorer. He din't score in the 1st 4 games but broke his duck with 2 goals in the quarter final win or Urkaine.
In 1982, Italy beat Germany and there were many other factors similiar to this year. Call it coincidence but sometimes such things are true. Its written in the stars. I remember vividly the year 2005 before Liverpool won the champions league there were such similiar signs. Everyone said i was rubbish and foolish to believe such nonsense. What happen? Liverpool difed all the odds and won the Champions league, beating the supposely 'unbeatable' AC Milan.
AC Milan, Germany, Brazil....what do they have in common? Favourites tag! Arhhh...favourites........the ball is round!

Before the world cup started I've always said....BRAZIL WILL NOT WIN and yet these fools are insisting Brazil will win, will make them where are these people now? Hello?.I don't understand what the hype and all these amusing excitement came from each time Brazil plays. Everyone seem to treat them as some soccer gods. Brazil play means they will win by 3-0 4-0 5-0 scorelines. Come on, get a fucking life. Yes Brazil is goood, but do peopl consider the fact that the ball is round too? If Brazil is going to win everytime then there will be no bookies around. All bookies would have been burnt. Brazil is simply over rated and over confident. I'm fucking happy they finally get knock out by France, I've been going against Brazil since after their opening game against Croatia. This is sweet, real sweet. Now there will be no more of those yellow shirt fools who think they are god.
I watched 3 Brazil games outside and whenever a Brazilian player has the ball and attacking everyone will go "wahHHHHHHHH".."wow!!!"....."WAH WAH WAH". Are these people sick up there? To add in, Brazil is the only team who wanna show off and play a 4-2-2 formattion which is virtually a 2-2-6 when attacking. Tell me, which team in the world will play this way? Even primary school kids will not do this. Period.

This is a FREE OF CHARGE soccer lesson. A team is not made up of just 11 players. It is made up of 12. The 12th man is the coach. Having a coach that simply keep scratching his head and hair he needed to motivate or should instructions to his players is simply a disaster. In contrast, having a coach that have the fire-power in his belly, the desire to win at all cost and the ability to fire-up his players is a winning coach. If you people watch the game between England and Portugal, Eriksson is constantly seen sitting on the bench like watching some opera show unfolding. His opposite number Luiz Felipe Scolari? On his feets for 120minutes shouting instructions, motivating his players and even trying to influence the match officials. A man who seem clueless and lost at sea against a man who oozes confidence and determination.......the result is clear who is gonna prevail.

Sitting on the bench scratching your head is fine if your team selection is good. But Eriksson is simply too biased. Does he think this is some fantasy soccer or championship manager game? Look at the England team, every player he selects are mostly his FAVOURITES! Take Rio Cock-head Ferinand for example. What did he do all season? Played crap and he's the 1st choice centre back ahead of Carragher who have been consistent for 3 Years......3 YEARS!! Next, what did Owen Hargeaves do? Lie on the medical table and played crap for Bayern Munich and he's in the squad everytime. Theo Walcott? What is he in Germany for? Din't even play 1 minute and god knows what all these hype are about. And Beckham? Crap performances everytime, strip him of the armband and give it to Gerrard or Terry for god's sake! Eriksson din't, and will never learn will he? In football, you MUST not have any favouritism and stubbornness!

The one big culprit overall is FUCKING FAT LAMPARD. Ok...20 goals a season for Chelski....and 0 goals at the world cup! Its not like he din't have any chances to score, in the group games especially against the weak teams like Trinidad and Tobago, he had clear chances one after another to score. Yet he fired blanks. Whoever allowed him to take that penalty is such a dumb fuck. How the fuck can u allow a player who keep missing and low on confidence to take a penalty?! Needless to say, fat frank blew it! 24 shots, 11 on target, 0 goals. For your info, Fat Lampard is rank 2nd overall in the world cup for 'players with most shots' behind Klose and ahead of people like Henry and Totti. Well the difference is that all these players have scored at least 1 goal.

For an honest assessment of England, much as I love them its hard to see them winning anything if they insist on playing crap and being over-rated everytime. It makes us wonder why players like Gerrard and Joe Cole could play so well for their clubs and yet play pathetically at the world cup. The answer is simple.....the 12th man!