I have been really busy with myself for the last 2 weeks, hardly had any time to update. And now that I do, here it goes.
For starters, T13 is the name of my poly class and about 2 weeks ago we went to Genting, our first overseas trip as a group. Honestly I wasn't looking forward to it because I didn't wanted to go in the first place but the ticket have already been bought and regardless of my presence or absence, I would still have to pay for the ticket. Hence common sense prevailed. I went ahead and thank god I did. To call it enjoyable would be an understatement. I called it fulfilling. The last and only time I ever been there was at least 11 years ago. Alot has seen changed, of course the present Genting is way better and I found out it is quite a good place for a short weekend getaway. That trip also marked my casino 'debut'. I've been to various casinos before especially those higher end ones in Macau but I've never tried my hand on the gambling tables. I'm just not a gambler but I've since broken my duck. Call it beginner's luck - I won roughly about RM300. It could obviously have been more if I had been more daring with my chips but it obviously could have been worse either. Neither way, it's a win win situation as it's all just for fun.
Despite having a pretty good time out there, the trip was extremely tiring no thanks to how the arrangements and timings, especially that of the hotel check in was made. We reached Genting at about 5.15am having departed Singapore at 10.30pm and that is at least a good 7 hours. Ok the journey isn't really tiring as the coach was very comfortable. But we had to wait until 3.30pm the next day before we could check in the hotel. I never had a good impression of First World Hotel ever since my friends told me the rooms were small like mouse holes and I was proven right. It wasn't the mouse hole rooms though, it was the horribly ineffecient check in methods they have there. It may be the biggest hotel in the world with over 6500 rooms, each filling at least 2 occupants which potentially makes it a good 13,000 guests in the hotel at a time. This is where the check in queues were terrible. The queue numbers sequences seem longer than the Great Wall of China. Thankfully Owen had arrived a day earlier and we were able to rent alittle space in his room for our bags - all 14 of us. Can u imagine if that hadn't happened? We would have to carry all these bags everywhere - breakfast, lunch, casinos, theme parks, etc.
Needless to say I was severely deprived of sleep throughout the trip. 4 hours is probably the most I have slept overall. I haven't encountered such a terrible hotel before, even the last visit to Genting, although I remembered everyone being made to wait for check in time to arrive, we were able to proceed everything fast. That was at another hotel though. Well maybe I'm too used to the 5 star treatment and smooth sailing check ins I have experienced from Bangkok Hotels. Thankfully the return journey on that first class coach - the first time I see a coach so classy and even have cabin crew serving food etc - was very comfortable. Just a pity I was too tired to explore the numerous features like games, movies, massage chair as I spent almost 80% of the journey sleeping away under the blanket.

And yes I finally gotten my LG Secret phone, the first time I'm switching away from Nokia phones. I almost shot myself in the foot when I tried to set the language and ended up pressing Chinese. It is not like nokia phones where I do not need to be able to read the words to know where I needed to click or go to change it back to English. Luckily I managed to get Dad to revet it back to English for me. He too spent a good 30 mins figuring that out. The consequences would have been dire if I had accidently pressed Korean or Arabic instead of Chinese! Anyhow, I love my new phone to bits and it certainly looks and feels alot nicer and classier than in the photos shown below. =)

Recently, afew things that haven't crossed my mind actually happened. First, I randomly browse on someone's profile and the next day that person messaged me my full name and asked if I was from Boon Lay Primary school. It was truly amazing as not many could actually remember something that isn't really worth remembering - such as my name, after more than 15 years. 15 freaking years. And the best thing was that she wasn't even from my class. Apparently I had all but forgotten that I had been placed in different chinese class and we happened to be in that particular chinese class. However I honestly still couldn't figure out who is she. I will have to wait until she shows me her primary school photo I gues. To others, it may seem normal that they still keep in touch with their primary school friends but for me, apart from afew who ended up in the same poly, secondary school or somehow have crossed paths now and then over the years, I really do not keep in touch with anyone and its even more amazing someone I don't know back then remembers me so vividly. It must be because I was the worst student in Chinese class!

People often say I haven't changed over the years. So it must be easy to spot me in a 13 or 14 years ago photo.
As if that wasn't enough, I actually found someone who shares the same birthday as me but is excatly a year younger than me. Again it is probably normal to many others but when say same birthday, I don't refer to strangers. It must be at least an acquaintance and for 1/4 of a century, I've had 25, 26, 28, 29 June but never a 27 until last night. Now I have a good vibe about this, long may it continue.

It must be the only time of the year where I could get stopped by guys in the toilet with requests of "can i take a picture with u?" or "can i take a picture of u?"
The initial plans were zouk but unfortunately when u have friends who are Saggitarius or Aries, their extreme lack of patience can make a short queue seem longer than Rapunzel's hair. The queue wasn't long but the number of people who were queuing for their 'friends' and the refusal of the management to open the door until 9pm or something makes it really unpleasant especially when u consider the number of people in costumes and make up that must have made them felt like humans in an oven. Then someone suggested Double O, I suggested St James but the majority of the votes went to Double O. I had no say, and I guess Zouk will have to wait another year. It was a pity because there were alot of interesting costumes around and the atmosphere should be perfect.
It was only about 9 when we got to Double O and to be honest I wasn't too please about going there. I told Jeri that if most of the people there aren't in costumes then I'm getting my ass out of there. When we got in, the place was rather empty, so much that the smoking room actually reeks of more air conditioned air than cigarette smoke. I was annoyed and being me, no matter how much I try to hide my displeasure or unhappiness, even with the aid of a mask, it will always show. My body language was that of a man being forced to be standing at where I was currently. I guess they got the message and soon we were on the way to Butter Factory where there was a queue that doesn't seem long. It was there were the halloween mood started to really take off as we fooled around with each other and took photos with absolute strangers. Then Sze Wei and Shank came with their friends and things got better there only for the impatience of Daniel to move things back to Double O again. His reason was that the queue wasn't moving. It was ridiculous because the queue had moved at least 200 metres from where we started to where we were presently. The last thing I wanted was an argument on this ocassion so I told them they could go back to Double O while I stayed on with Sze Wei and the others to see how things went.
Unfortunately for me they seem to have made the right decision. A "Full House" sign was soon placed right in front of me and there were only like 10 heads before me. I waited another 15 minutes before deciding i wasn't going to waste another minute of it and headed back to Double O to join them again.
The misfortune of the queuing aside, things were really smooth the whole night except my body which was sweating horribly under the costume. But it must have been worth it was I kept getting photo requests, stares, waves, compliments about my costumes, hugs, and even kisses from absolute strangers including a guy who wore an SIA stewardess outfit! The only troubles were that I had to lift my mask to smoke or drink. So I am pleased to have come through my first Halloween which I dressed up - successfuly. Onwards to next year!
(There are too many photos, majority have been placed up on my 3 major social sites - hi5, friendster, facebook. happy viewing!)

No taxi would take us until Daniel removed his mask to flag a cab while we hide somewhere!

The funiest costume I saw!

My costume for the night - a mix and match from my own creations