Thursday, December 04, 2008
Privacy down the drain

Everyone has secrets and I'm a very private person to begin with. I really loathe it when people indulge themselves into my innear world. It can be as simple a world as an email account. Absolutely nobody, not even the president has the right to interfere in my privacy unless I warrant them the permission to do so. Some people just don't get it and unfortunately those people happen to be what I consider one of my good friends.

What is an office when everytime u leave ur desk u have to remove your cards, lock your drawers, hide all your valuables or even lock the door? It's like living with thieves. Some days ago I found my e-mail suspiciously wierd.....the message which have been read keep reappearing as unread. Ever the simple minded person, I blush it off as a technical error in outlook express only for the problem to deepen when it totally appeared that someone is controlling my email account, marking all sorts of mails as unread, defracing my messages and even worse, deleting it all. Better still, the culprit (i'm disappointed with this person so i shall leave his name out) managed to convince me that it's some bug and even offer to help me contact the IT services hotline to resolve it. Needless to say I did panic when my messages started disappearing and my reactions must have been kind of funny. Things resumed back to normal after like 20 mins, and I was infact more surprised than suspicious at the speed it took the "IT Team" to resolve the problems at that time.

And when I eventually found out yesterday that the person had actually secretly added himself as a delagate on my email which entitles him to all access of my email which also means he got the passwords to my mail and other forum accounts, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I see as a good friend and u do this shit to me? I can take jokes and I understand u love fooling around but what is funny to u may not necessary be the same to me. As pissed as I am, I'm at a loss of words, even if the purpose is to conjure me into thinkin that my email or computer has got a bug or virus. It just isn't funny. Whatever happens to 'Privacy'.

If there's one thing that never fails to piss me off is when people try poking their noses into my private business no matter what the purpose is.
posted by mango at 7:48 PM

[ back home ]

Comments for privacy down the drain
now now, and u say i was being paranoid?

i believe i know who u are talking about? tell me im right.

this includes my privacy lor.....


I think ur privacy is safe though.

how is that so? if this person gets to read all ur mails he'd have read it right

sorry that was from me.

ok i think i know why my emails are safe..


It's not easy being me
Love is my sin and thy dear virtue hate
Hate of my sin, grounded on sinful loving


Once a red, always a red
Cut me open and I will bleed LIVERPOOL